Dear Jordan,
I am writing to you in a state of unknowing. Unknowing of what the future holds for you as you take your next step. It has been a long transformation to get to this point. Times of true self loathing and dissatisfaction in your sophomore year that turned to times of true belief, faith, love and security when The Lord picked you up out of the rubble of your past. He carried you until you could walk on your own. He taught you what it was like to know who you are In Christ. No longer were you conformed to the worlds standard. You are free to reign in his love, mercy and grace. He bought you so that you may serve Him. He transformed you into a new person by giving you a new heart, new way of thinking and His Spirit (Romans 12:2). Now he wants you to do something remarkable in Ghana. It will be life changing, mind altering, humbling, transformative, informative, heart breaking and faith building. And the best part is I have no clue what is it right now. I'm sure it will all be explained in due time. But this note is just to remind you of where you came from to get to this point. A reminder in the hard times that you were bought and brought out of condemnation. A reminder of the blessing you have received up to this point: a easy application process, a trouble free semester at school, a paid for study abroad program with leftover funds, a rebuilt family bond with your mother, step father, father, and grandparents, self confidence, an unbreakable love that comes in 3 folds, and a new name to top it all off. So no matter what you are called to do in Ghana, remember that it has already been written and is just a history lesson that you are replaying for The Lord. And your role is to be a fool; a fool for God. So play the part like Leonardo did in Django. Even when you don't want to; it just means you are growing closer to Him and God will be paying you in blessings that aren't visible on this Earth. So be confident in who you are and the decisions you make (Joshua 1:9). So make a fool out of yourself each day because today's foolishness unevenly equates to God's eternal glory. So get pumped!
I am SOOOOOOOOO proud of you and know you'll have the time of your life! Love you!!! Have fun!!